Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's over and done with.

Ahhhhhhhhhh.......(sigh of relief)! The Crestview PTA Christmas Bazaar went great! I was making bows like a mad woman the last couple weeks and I thought Dec. 6 would never come. If I was lucky enough to see you at the bazaar then thank you for stopping by my table! I had tons of fun and I would do another bazaar again in heartbeat! Now it's back to normal life (my daughter and husband will be very thankful!).
Most of the bows before they were packed up.
My table at the bazaar with my pal Shannon next to me at the Pampered Chef table.


Amy said...

Wow, that's a lot of bows! So, tell us how it went.

Kayla Evans said...

Looks like fun! Always great to get stuff like that over with. I am glad that it went so well.

Adventures in Petersonland said...

dude thats a lot of bows! i wish i was there to see your table and buy bows from you. did you end up making a lot of money from that event?